The Blogging Arbitrage Rules - Diygigs

The Blogging Arbitrage Rules

We are discussing the blogging arbitrage rules today and delving deep into important knowledge to acquire just before getting into it and for people who are already into it.

Arbitrage blogging is more of psychological than most people may know.

Last time I wrote that arbitrage blogging is more of strategic engineering, and you can’t even argue that. You have to be ready to evolve to inch success.

Just like in business, anyone might get a lead, but not everyone can convert that lead to a customer.

Why is it taking this turn? More and more people are understanding what’s happening from the advertiser’s end and they are building accordingly.

I’ve been in advertising for over a decade now, I’ve pretty much advertised on every platform that there is, so I know what’s happening and why Google Adsense can be profitable.

Let me explain,

On the Advertising end, they use Google AdWords, all advertising on blogs using Adsense were ads placed via Google AdWords, just like the title, they are heavily based off of “Keywords” (AdWords)

Meaning, I could set up ads and choose my ads to display on only pages talking about “Scholarships” or related, etc, now who are people trying to display their ads on pages like so? They are probably universities, and other organizations including travel agents with deep pockets, etc.. and as you know, some keywords have more value than others.

I hope you are following me now.

Now on your end, do you know of a hungry audience needing such contents? Yes! A lot of people want to Japa, want scholarships, not just in Nigeria but struggling countries and the rest of the world, this makes it easy for you to give advertisers the audience they seek, right?

So what do you do?

Create a blog to service these hungry audiences, and tailor your posts around these. Understand that the examples I used above are the most saturated ones, there are other changes and additions where users are likely to take more actions.

Now that you know 1 & 2 above, I.e what’s happening on the Advertising end and what you can do on the publisher end on your blog,

The next step would be how to get the Hungry audience to your Blog, right?

You want to do this in the most engaging method. Let’s say, you saw an ad about Road transport, and your subconscious has already taken note, if you then visit the platform because you were interested in it, all you’d be looking for is how to…… “Apply”, “Register” etc.. right? And on the blog you saw related ones, it becomes easier for you and it’s more relatable right?

Another way could be using pre-lander, a pre-lander is where they land first, this page has two or more benefits, this page may have small texts and buttons linking to your actual blog— there’s a very popular pre-lander out there, I Fidelis is the brain-child, everyone source-coded/copied it, it says “Application Ends: (generates time and date for the next day)” this way the user is pre-informed and activated to take swift action on clicking the buttons below and following through with applications.

Another aim of a pre-pander is to sieve irrelevant and bot traffic, so that only users who intend to take action view your blog.

Now! This is why I said mentorship is necessary for Arbitrage blogging, I’ve stopped using that pre-lander and others that people have copied, the aim is because saturation makes it less effective as more and more people who are willing to to take action when they see such, they know they’ve seen it before, so one has to be dynamic, creative and ready to ramp up the benefits of anything that’s working before it stops.

In essence, no matter what you learn, be ready to reinvent it in a more relatable and unique way, even from time to time make different ones, new creatives, etc.

I know many of you reading this may not yet get it, but those who are actively working on arbitrage blogging will be having their ‘aha moments ‘and screaming to certain revelations.

Another important strategy would be to, make your content more relatable, using several strategies to delay the user’s time on your blog as this boosts CPC, because the longer their sessions the more the algorithm feels the user is invested in getting what they seek—- every blogger knows high bounce rate means so many bad things, it means the contents aren’t valuable and the algorithm surely would pay you accordingly. This is why certain traffic methods irrespective of their high reach, impressions, and page views on your blog, the CPC will always be low as well as the CTR.

The delay tactics and other methods will be shared in my subsequent posts in regard to Arbitrage blogging.

Do you see why I said it’s more of strategic engineering?

You must continue to review things, how would you be hoodwinked in the face of saturation, should it be comical, serious, or plain direct? How would the contents resonate with their intent, the inter-linking, the titles and the contents of the piece, what’s the ratio of external links, how valuable are the contents etc?

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