My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist - Episode 24 - Diygigs

My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 24

My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 24

“Are you serious? Do you mean you want to use your own wïfe for a r!tüal too? How could you be so crùé|?” I said, tremb|ing with fēār, though I pretended not to be, when I realized he was genuinely serious about having me take an oath to keep whatever he said that evening a secret; threa+ening dēēãth if I didn’t comply.

My heart began to palpitate and jerk like an old, rusty car. Despite the air conditioning, I started to sweat profusely. The door was locked, and I knew that even if I said I had heard enough and didn’t want to know more, he would never let me walk out through the bedroom door that night without taking an oath for the handful of dãrk sécréts he had revealed to me already.

I vented my ænger and d!sappointment in him for daring to put even his wïfe’s l!fe in dænger to hide his ev!l deeds. But as I spoke, shivers of fēær cõnsumed me from within.

As I threw that question at him, I stood in drēād and trepidation, my hands spread out and my mouth open, waiting for an answer. He opened the briefcase he had taken to the end-of-the-month praise and worship service that Sunday.

He brought out a pin, opened the bottle containing the green fr0g, and asked me to stretch out my right hand. “And why should I do that, honey? Are you really doing this? Do you truly want to endænger your wife’s life?” I said, my trembling mouth shaking from head to toe in fēār.

“I’m trying to be gentle with you. In fact, I shouldn’t have told you so much about me until you took an õath to keep it a secret between us. But I did, because I still consider you my wïfe and wanted to show you that respect. Now, please give me your hands,” he said, wearing a drēãdful expression.

I didn’t want him to fórçé me, and I féàréd I could wõrsen the situation if I resisted. My face contracted like that of a baby about to cry as I drew closer and extended my trembling right hand toward him.

“Repeat after me,” he said:

“I, Veronica, wholeheartedly pledge, in the presence of my husband, to guard with utmost secrecy the revelations you’ve entrusted to me, along with any future insights we may share. I willingly accept d!re repercuss!ons should I even contemp|ate revea|ing your words, surrendering completely if I dare speak a syllable to another sõūl. With resolute devotion, I commit to upholding this oath and preserving the sacredness of our bond.”

I mumbled and murmured those féàrfúll words after him, but he said I wasn’t loud enough and made me repeat them three times, louder and clearer. Warm sweat gushed out of my forehead like rain the whole time, so much that he used his handkerchief to help wipe my face, so it wouldn’t get inside the bottle between his legs containing that green fr0g.

Having taken the oath, he used the needle from his briefcase to p!erce the tip of my index finger. As it began to b|ēēd, he lifted the bottle with his left hand, held my pointer finger, and placed it directly below the mouth of the bottle so that each drop of my b|00d fell onto the green fr0g inside the bottle.

I was so fr!ghtened that even though I wasn’t speaking, my lips kept shaking vigorously, and he held my right hand firmly because it kept twitching and staggering, as if I were struggling. But I wasn’t; I was only afra!d, and my body made it abundantly clear.

As soon as my b|00d began to drop onto the green fr0g inside the bottle, I couldn’t bear to witness such a d!sgust!ng and fēārsome scenario. I closed my eyes so tightly that all I saw was darkness.

I didn’t know what came over me, but suddenly, I summoned the courage to open my eyes a little, to see what he was up to. When I did, I wished I never had because I almost fa!nted from what I saw.

I had hoped to see the bottle and the green fr0g sta!ned with my b|00d, but to my greatest shock, there wasn’t a single drop or stain of b|00d either on the fr0g or inside the bottle.

Out of curiosity, I opened my eyes even wider, only to see that as soon as my b|00d touched the fr0g, it would disappear. Not even the walls inside the bottle were stained. After a while, both the green fr0g and the bottle disappeared into thin air.

That wasn’t the most unbelievable occurrence I had witnessed, as my husband was a miracle worker and had performed many incredible miracles. However, this was the scar!est and most fr!ghten!ng thing I had seen him do.

He released my hands, handed me his handkerchief, and asked me to gently apply pressure to the w0und.

He opened his wardrobe drawer, retrieved our first aid box, and began the process of stopping the b|ēēdïng. I wished he had let me b|ēēd to dēēãth and not pretended to care because after knowing who he truly was, I l0athed him even more than the dev!l himself.

As he worked to stop the b|ēēdïng, knowing that my life was now in his hands, I mustered the courage to ask him what he had been doing with a bottle containing a green fr0g all these years.

“I received a signal in the spïrit realm last month that you were going to persist this month in wanting to know why I’m imp0tent. If I refused to tell you, you might raise an alarm that would draw the chúrçh’s attention and make them suspect me of ev!l.”

“News is already spreading throughout the chúrçh that I am linked to or submitting to dærk p0wers, rather than Gód. They claim my miracles are too raw compared to those of other resident pastors. I am the only resident state pàstór who is close to the general overseer when it comes to performing miracles. If you raise an alarm about a misunderstanding in my matrimonial home, my critics might dig deep, and I could risk exposure.”

“To prevent this, I communed with my associates in the dærk world immediately and asked them to send me something I could use to silence you. If you try to exp0se me, as long as you’ve taken this oath and poured your b|00d on that green fr0g, the moment you open your mouth, you’ll fall down and d!e.”

“They sent me that bottle and assured me that I can tell you anything you want to know. They’ll remain silent and d!e with you, as long as you’ve taken this oath and poured your b|00d on that green fr0g inside that bottle,” he said, as he stopped the b|ēēdïng and returned the first aid box to hi wardrobe.

To be continued!

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