My husband is not a pàstór but a riitúàliist - Episode 15 - Diygigs

My husband is not a pàstór but a riitúàliist – Episode 15

My husband is not a pàstór but a riitúàliist – Episode 15

“When I arrived at the crúsàde, it was almost 5 pm, and I quickly joined the ushers in making sure that everyone was seated properly.”

“A few minutes later, Felicia called me, and I gladly picked up. She gave me her location, and I went there immediately to take her to the front seats as promised.”

“When I got to the entrance, I was so shóckéd to see the multitude of people that were coming for the crúsàde. I least expected such a crowd and wondered what kind of publicity my Pàstór did. Due to my sibling’s health, I was not privileged to join them during the publicity.”

“I now knew why he hired such a massive arena for the crúsàde. I reckoned they did massive publicity and were already expecting a large crowd. I became even happier that Mr. Frank would be d!sgraced before a bigger audience.”

“I quickly took Felicia to the front seat before it got filled up. She apparently didn’t dress like someone who was going to chúrçh. Her dress code was more like someone who was going to the clūb.”

“I presumed she might have already reminisced on her past experience with Mr. Frank, got really æñgry, and couldn’t wait to tēār down his reputation before thousands of people; She looked very prepared.”

“In less than an hour, the crúsàde hall was half-filled. I couldn’t believe my eyes. People kept trooping in like flies, and we needed more chairs on standby so that the crowd wouldn’t take us by surprise.”

“At exactly 6 pm, the crúsàde kicked off with the hall already filled up and overflowing. Hence, we hired more chairs to cushion the overflow.”

“That was actually the biggest crusade I had ever attended and also the biggest my chúrçh had ever had since it was founded.”

“I called Felicia to be sure that she maintained her position and was glad she did. I reminded her of what we discussed and said,”

“Immediately after the message, my pàstór or the moderator would say something like this: ‘If during the pràyérs, you noticed something stràñge, leaving or entering your b0dy, kindly come forward to be interviewed and given the opportunity to share your testimony.’ Once you hear this, go out immediately so that you can be among the first testifiers for today.”

“Considering the crowd, I needed to remind her because if she slacked and did not fall among the early birds of testifiers, she might never get the opportunity to testify at the crúsàde ground again and would be asked to come testify at our local chúrçh the forthcoming Súñday after the crúsàde.”

“I never wanted that to happen. I wanted her to exp0se Mr. Frank to a larger audience where she might get more support, and Frank, on the other hand, cannot dēñy it easily.”

“After the opening pràyér, we proceeded to praise and worship. A-list Gospel Musicians and choirs from different chúrçhes were invited and did marvelously well in setting the spïrits and s0uls of the congregation on f!re.”

“So many miracles took place during the praise and worship. There were loud scréēàms oozing out from every nook and cranny of the crúsàde ground.”

“The musicians seemed to have prepared very well, and even before the prāyēr and del!verance section, so many lives were transformed, and many miracles were recorded.”

“The praise sections were in different stages and lasted for over 1 hour. The moderator took over, made a series of announcements, and welcomed our Pàstór to the pulpit for the message.”

“Our Pàstór, as I told you, was a great teacher of the gospel. He knew literally almost every single Bible passage.”

“He devoted his time to studying the word of Gód, and whenever he held the mic to teach, he spoke the undiluted truth and wisdom of Gód.”

“He would’ve made a complete and firebrand man of Gód if only he didn’t yield to f|ēshy desires once in a while, as the hérbàlííst told me. That was the only thing that limited him. Else, his knowledge of the scripture and the dimensions at which he taught them, making it look so easy and seamless.”

“He was supposed to be a very mighty wēāp0n in the hands of Gód, but his besetting s!n, Mas+urba+ion, would fail him. It reduced the rate at which Gõd would have used him to just teaching rather than becoming a thrēæt and great daññger to the Kingdom of dāārkness like Mr. Frank.”

“He preached for almost an hour, dissecting the word of Gód, precisely John 3 verse 16. His message was strongly felt by the congregation, and when he made an altar call, thousands of people gave their lives to Chrïst.”

“After the altar call, it was time for pràyérs and del!verance, and the man I fēæred the most, Mr. Frank, mounted the pulpit like a roar!ng l!on, blast!ng in very stràñge and myster!ous tongues of f!re.”

PAUSE: I drop very interesting short stories on my page Joshgenius JG Page that I will never post here. If you want to read them, follow me there NOW! I posted a story there, go check it.

“The whole atmosphere changed, and the presence of Gód began to move like a mighty wind over the congregation, sending h!gh-tens!oned electrify!ng waves down the spines of thousands, causing great gr0an!ng, yell!ng, and very loud scréēàms all over the crúsàde ground.”

“Mr. Frank began to call random names in the congregation. He would call a name, mention the person’s problem, and rebūke it immediately. I became sçààréd and pràyed he wouldn’t see through my heart and call my name to exp0se me publicly.”

“I became fr!ghtened that what I had planned aga!nst him should not bæckf!re on me. He called so many names, revealing their challenges clearly, and prayed for them. I had goosebumps and opened my ears wide, hoping I wouldn’t hear my name.”

“The prayer and deliverance section lasted for about 2 hours, and the whole congregation was turned upside down due to the many powerful miracles that took place.”

“After a while, the moderator took over and rounded up the prāyēr. The moment I had been waiting for came, and the moderator began calling those who felt a stràñge touch or del!verance to come forward.”

“I opened my eyes like a torch, went closer to the front, and paid very close attention to spot Felicia. She was wearing a very bright yellow, short armless gown, and hence, she was easy to recognize.”

“As multitudes of people began running forward, I saw Jessica among the first batch and was very happy.”

“I was among the workers who interviewed them. Hence, I ran to interview Jessica before someone else did.”

“I got to her, tapped her on the shoulder, and began interviewing her right beneath the altar.”

“After 20 minutes, it was time for testimony, and Felicia was among the first 15 people to testify. I retired to my position and stood calmly, waiting for her turn to witness the d0wñfall of a great pràyér warr!or, Mr. Frank.”

To be continued!

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