My husband is not a pàstór but a riitúàliist – Episode 17
“‘Come to me. Come to hë||, you múúrdêrêr. You don’t dëserve mërçy. Your hands are sta!ned with b|00d. You k!!lled your own ch!ld five years ago, and one year ago, you s+ābbēd your boyfrïend to dēēãth during a hēātēd ærgūmēñt,'”
“‘You can hide it from the world, but not from me because I sent you. I am your father. You’ve been my faithful servant on earth. Come to me, come to hé||, you múúrdêrêr. You don’t dëserve mërçy,’ he said, his voice like the rumble of thūñdērst0rms.”
“In his hands were big chaïns of f!re. As he got closer to me, he threw the chaïns to wrāp around me and pūll me to him. Suddenly, I heard a gentle whisper to my right, like the sound of many waters;”
“‘I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.'”
“The voice was gentle and soft, yet it caused a mïghty whïrlwïnd and cyclone of chā0s that pushed the m0ñster, the dev!l, back into the pool of f!re at the speed of light. I turned to my right in stupefaction and admiration to see who was capable of taming and subdu!ng such a wi|d bēæst with the wēāp0ñs of spoken words.”
“Lo and behold, I saw a bright light radiating brilliance so intense that it overwhelmed the senses. Its luminosity was like a billion suns concentrated into a single point, sear!ng the eyes with unbèãrable intensity, and rendering vision temporarily powerless in its presence.”
“I immediately bowed, trying hard to speak, but my voice was caught in the grip of astonishment. My lips moved soundlessly, struggling to shape the magnitude of my emotion into words, but the light stole my ability to speak, leaving me momentarily speechless before an extraordinary scenario.”
“As I knelt down before the bright light, like one who was dēēãd, I heard yet another gentle whisper, ‘Arise, my daughter. Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more.’ Immediately, I woke up and discovered it was a trance.”
“Praise the living Gód. Praise Master Jësüs. I want to thank Gód so much for giving me a second chance. I want to thank Gód for not condemn!ng me. I’ve done terr!ble things in the past, and despite all the ev!l I’ve done, he still looked at me with love and called me his daughter.”
“What a merciful Gód. What a compassionate Father. Indeed, his love endures forever. His mercy knows no bounds. His words stand true for ages. He has done me well, and I’m here to testify of his goodness and goodwill.”
“Praise the Lõrd. I’m now born again. The old Felicia has passed away, and a new me has begun today.”
“By the special grace of Gód, the things I did before, I will do them no more. The places I went before, I will go there no more. I’m now a new creation in Chrïst Jésus. Thank you, Jésus. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Hõly Spïrït.”
“I stood solidified like one who was pãrã|yzed, wondering if it was Felicia who was talking or someone else. My mouth was open in disbelief, and my eyes widened as if they were going to sh00t out from their s0ckets. I thought I was dreaming.”
I will be posting another beautiful story on my page Joshgenius JG Page shortly, that I will never post here. Follow it NOW if you don’t want to miss out 😊
“I began connecting the dots and realized that when I asked Felicia why her dress was dirty, she l!ed to me, saying she was pushed by those around her who fell under the anoïnting during the pràyérs.”
“Little did I know that she was actually the one who fell under the anoïnting and rolled on the ground for 1 hour straight throughout the prāyēr session.”
“She didn’t actually l!e to me because she knew absolutely nothing about my séçrét plans. In fact, she had no idea that I was us!ng her.”
“That Tuesday when I went to her house to invite her, she thought she was us!ng me, not knowing that I was the one who was us!ng her. She thought I knew nothing about her relationship with Mr. Frank and thought I didn’t know that she wasn’t going to the crúsàde to be blessed but to confront her ex, Mr. Frank, and perhaps exp0se what he did in the past.”
“And even at that, she never knew how she was going to do that, which was where I came into the equation to help her do that in order to achieve my personal goal of dëstr0y!ng the reputation of Mr. Frank.”
“Fast-forward to after the prāyēr session, God turned the situation around and made her lose her appetite to éxpósé Mr. Frank. As a result, she felt ashāmed of herself, and this was why she l!ed to me that she didn’t fall under the anoïnting but was pushed by those who did.”
“If I had known that she was ly!ng and fell under the anoïnting for real, I wouldn’t have allowed her the opportunity to join the queue of those who would testify.”
“Unfortunately, Gód saw through my plans, and all the while I thought I was still us!ng her to achieve my aim, God turned the table around and used me to achieve His aim.”
“I also noticed how stràñge she was behaving towards me when I was interviewing her. She couldn’t look into my eyes like before, and while I thought she was reacting to stage fright, I never knew my plans had backf!red.”
“God used my plans aga!nst me. I was dece!ved, and she played along all the while, hoping to just get the mic and say an entirely different thing from what I had thought she was going to say.”
“I never saw this coming and never believed that she could get carried away during the pràyérs, let alone become completely changed as much as to turn a new leaf and thwart my plans.”
“In a bid to publicly d!sgrace Mr. Frank and strïp him of his posïtion as our chúrçh’s prāyēr coordinator, so that he never gets the opportunity to come prãy for my siblings and perhaps uncover my séçrét agenda of using one of them for a r!tual.”
“I ended up spending my own móñey, time, and energy, roaming the streets of Abuja under the scorching sun, digging up his past, bringing it before him in broad daylight to tarn!sh his image. Only for my plans to backf!re aga!nst me and rather give him a rare opportunity to cement his past once and for all in his favor.”
“I bowed my head in shāmê, pa!n, fēēãr, and confusïon, not knowing what to do. How could I be so foo|!sh? Why didn’t the hérbàlííst foresee this and still suggested it as the best option? What went wróñg?”
“This was never part of the plan. How did I end up helping my ēñëmy to defēãt me so greatly?”
“This was just day 1 of the crúsàde, and Felicia had already turned a new leaf and would definitely reconcile with Mr. Frank.”
“I had just the next day to do something. Otherwise, immediately after the crúsàde on Thursday, Mr. Frank would be coming to my house on Friday to prày for my siblings, and that could mark the beginning of my d0wnfãll.”
“I decided that I would go see the hérbàlííst the following day, to know what exactly went wróñg and plead with him to do something urgently and never allow Mr. Frank the opportunity to come to my house and prãy for my siblings, or I will be d00mēd.”
To be continued ✍️