My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist - Episode 32 - Diygigs

My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 32

My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 32

“Six years ago, after Frank visited you, he prayed and helped deliver your three siblings. On that day, he shared a revelation with me about the person responsible for your siblings’ condition. He said it was a family member, but he wasn’t entirely sure who. I asked him to continue praying.”

“After he left, I kept thinking about what he said throughout the day. At first, I thought it might be the same enem!es or some strange altar somewhere that had caused hãrm to your parents and was now targeting your siblings.”

“So I concluded that it might be the same force responsible for your parents’ deæth that was also behind your siblings’ untraceable sickness. I continued to pray about it and asked Frank to do the same.”

“A few years later, when you received admission to study Civil Engineering, Frank visited my office on a Friday. He shared a dream he had concerning your siblings. In the dream, he saw someone bully!ng your siblings and he intervened to stop it.”

“He pushed the person away and questioned why he was harm!ng your siblings. The person claimed he was sent by someone to carry out the act. Frank inquired about the sender’s identity, and the person mentioned ‘Okechukwu.’ Right after that, Frank woke up and realized it was just a dream.”

“The dream didn’t make sense to Frank, as your name is Peter Nwachukwu, not Okechukwu. I reassured Frank and advised him to continue praying.”

“But the dream made sense to me because I was familiar with your father. We attended the same high school in the East and reconnected many years later here in Abuja. Our acquaintance wasn’t through the church; we knew each other even before I established a church.”

“Years ago, when we began as a fellowship center with fewer than 25 members, your dad worked as an architect in one of the then-popular companies in Abuja.”

“I encountered him while evangelizing on the streets of Abuja. We recognized each other and exchanged greetings. After sharing the gospel, I invited him to our evening fellowship. He accepted the invitation, embracing Christ.”

“Moving ahead a few years, as our fellowship grew to 400 members and transitioned from a simple gathering to a worship center, he occasionally worshiped with us. Miraculously, he became a more integral part of our congregation.”

“He had a deep love for God, which led me to appoint him as our Evangelism Coordinator due to his zealousness. Over time, he even shared the pulpit with me, delivering Gospel sermons.”

“Frank wasn’t familiar with the name ‘Okechukwu’ because he knew your dad by the name, ‘Joseph Nwachukwu.’ However, I was aware of your dad’s ‘õhã’ name since we attended the same high school and served in the same church.”

“Your dad was born on Oke market day, which falls on a Wednesday, and so he was given the name ‘Okechukwu.’ His full name is ‘Joseph Nwachukwu Okechukwu.'”

“I didn’t want to disclose this information to Frank initially because I lacked complete certainty. It seemed unlikely that your dad would be responsible for causing hãrm to his own children. Consequently, I reassured Frank and continued to reflect and pray for insight.”

“In my office that day, I pondered, ‘Your dad has already passed away, and if someone named ‘Okechukwu’ was behind your siblings’ afflict!ons, it would likely be none other than his own children.'”

“I was tempted to suspect you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so because you appeared so young, helpless, and innocent. I couldn’t fathom that you might be attempting to use your siblings for a r!tual.”

“I even discussed my thoughts with my wife, and she also shared the belief that it was unlikely. We continued praying and placing our trust in God, hoping for further revelations to identify the responsible party.”

“Neither Frank nor I experienced any subsequent dreams or revelations on the matter, until yesterday night. Six long years have passed, and at last, God granted us a clearer revelation that could help us ascertain who was behind the attempt to use your siblings for a r!tual.”

“In a dream last night, I found myself at your house. As I approached the door, someone swiftly dashed out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t discern the face or identity. Once inside, I noticed Jacob and Ruth in tears. I inquired about the situation.”

“They informed me that the person who had just fled had fõrçed James, Mercy, and Peace to drink water from a stainless steel cup he had brought along. After consuming it, they began cõnvuls!ng and võm!ting, and the individual escaped. Jacob and Ruth pointed towards the bedroom. Upon entering, I discovered all three of them lying half-consciõus on the bed, covered in their own võm!t.”

“As soon as I saw them, I woke up. Reflecting on the dream, I recollected a visit I made to your home to pray for your siblings before Frank came to pray for them after that crusade. Following the prayers, I remembered pulling you aside from the bedroom to a corner of the parlor. This was to ensure my wife, who was feeling emotional, wouldn’t overhear our conversation and raise concerns.”

“I disclosed to you that during the prayer for your siblings, I perceived a vision resembling a heated liquid in a cup, positioned at the center of each of their stomachs. And as I continued praying, the word ‘põ!sõn’ echoed in my mind repeatedly.”

“I shared my belief that what your siblings were undergoing wasn’t ordinary. Their sudden weakness seemed connected to something they had consumed, leading me to suspect põ!sõn!ng. This was likely why the doctor couldn’t identify any cause even after conducting tests.”

“I told you that their illness appeared to be intentional, involving põ!sõn!ng through something they ate or drank.”

“Upon linking the dots between the revelation from six years ago and the dream I had that night, I resolved to consult your family doctor, hoping to gather some insights.”

“When I visited his hospital the following day, which is today, I raised the matter and asked him to provide more details about the tests he conducted on your three siblings six years ago. He informed me that the most recent interaction he had with your family occurred a few months prior to the present day when I approached him.”

“He explained that you had visited to inquire about the required medication for your sibling, Peace, who was battling Malaria Fever. According to him, that was the last time he encountered or treated you.”

“I insisted that he might have forgotten about it and urged him to rethink. I told him that I had personally given you some money to bring your three siblings to his hospital to conduct tests and identify the underlying cause of their illness.”

To be continued ✍️

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