My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 35
“I chose to leave the church, but not intentionally. I didn’t want them to think I left due to them revealing my evil actions six years ago. I calmly waited for a chance to make use of it.”
“One year later, I received a promotion at the construction company where I was employed. I was going to be transferred to Lagos because of my expertise, to manage more advanced building projects there.”
“At last, the chance I had been anticipating arrived. I informed my pastor immediately and started getting ready. The church had continued to grow steadily, and my pastor had kept his promise.”
“My siblings had already taken the Jamb exam with the assistance of the church right after completing high school. At this point, they were waiting for admission.”
“As they were all awaiting admission, I was preparing to move to Lagos. My pastor suggested I shouldn’t renew the rental agreement. That way, whenever my brothers who were staying with me came for a break, they could stay at his place temporarily until they graduated.”
“I was granted a one-week break at my job to get ready for the move to Lagos. My pastor requested me to meet him during that week before I left.”
“On Wednesday morning, I visited my pastor in his office. He spoke as if he was aware of my plans in Lagos beyond my job. I was nervous throughout the discussion.”
“‘I’m glad you’ve been promoted to Lagos, Peter. I hope you’ll keep your faith in God in everything you do. Lagos is quite densely populated.'”
“The hectic and chaotic atmosphere and environment is second to none. You’ll come across numerous chances to engage in wrongdoing, but I urge you to stay strong. Do not remove the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set.”
“I assume you’re already familiar with the address of our branch church in Lagos. I trust that you can collaborate with the branch pastor there occasionally to help the Lagos branch flourish,” my pastor said, and I pretended to be listening but was determined to do otherwise.”
“I continued to nod in agreement with everything he was saying, but deep inside, I was feeling very ængry. I was eager to depart from Abuja and completely disconnect from his church.”
“He even provided me with the contact number of the pastor at our Lagos branch, advising me to call him once I arrived in Lagos, just so he would know I had arrived.”
“I reluctantly received the number and acted as if everything was fine, ensuring he didn’t suspect anything. He reassured me that the church would look after my siblings while I was away, allowing me to concentrate on my work in Lagos with the confidence that they would be taken care of.”
“The next day was Thursday, and I had just about three days left to move to Lagos for the promotion. I chose to visit a restaurant to celebrate with a delicious meal, considering all the challenges I had faced over the years to reach that stage in my life.”
“While I was enjoying my meal at the restaurant, I overheard a conversation behind me. A young man and a woman were discussing something. It appeared they were discussing a well-known religious figure known for supposedly performing miracles using decept!on. They labeled him as a fæke man of God.”
“They mentioned that he established his church in Delta State not too long ago, but because of the rúmõrs surrounding his supposed miraculous abilities, his church experienced rapid growth and even relocated its headquarters to Lagos.”
“I found it quite a remarkable coincidence and I focused entirely on their conversation, absorbing every detail since they were discussing exactly what I desired to do once I got to Lagos.”
“They went on to talk about how a significant portion of the congregation would cõllãpse to the ground just from the wave of his handkerchief toward them. They mentioned that all the pastors, including the church’s founder, dressed in identical suits of the same color and style for their church services.”
“Suddenly, they lowered their voices. When I strained my ears to hear them, I heard them talking about something even more abõm!nable about the man of God.”
“They said that it was believed the man of God’s source of power was slēēp!ng with his members. They claimed that the majority of the members, ladies in particular, had cõñfessed to this, but the man of God in question didn’t seem to care or pay attention to crit!cs.”
“They said that the more ev!l things that were rūmored about his church, the more it grew. They wondered why people, despite the rūmors, kept trooping to his church.”
“It’s due to the miracles he does. No matter how ev!l a church or its founder is rūmored to be, so long as blind eyes are opened, the lame are walking, and diverse miracles are taking place, you would still find people there,’ the lady remarked.'”
“‘Hmmm you’re right. Do you know that my Mom wanted to take our last born to this same church despite the rūmors but my dad refused? Our last born is suffering from autism from birth and no amount of money has been able to make him whole.”
“When this man of God’s issue came up, and my mother heard that he performed all manner of miracles. She pleaded with my dad to take our last born to the church for prayers. However, my dad refused, as he was concerned that the man of God might be fæke and could endænger our son’s life or future.”
“I supported my dad’s decision and told my mother that I agreed with him. I think it’s hypocritical that people who criticizes these men of God are still going to their churches in secret for prayers.
“As their discussion became more interesting, I began to jot down certain things on my notepad, such as the name of the man of God, the name of his church, and its location.”
“I felt that this was a golden opportunity, as life had just presented me with the chance to know who I could learn from once I got to Lagos for directions on how I could also perform the unbelievable miracles that Mr. Frank did, and perhaps command respect, fame, and popularity.”
“But I didn’t want to become like the man of God they spoke of, who the world could easily identify as a fæke pastor. I wanted to be better than him, doing everything he was doing and even more with the help of a fratern!ty, without raising a single suspicion that would cast doubt on the source of my miracles.”
“I decided to join the discussion, hoping to get more detailed clues from them. I stood up and walked up to them, letting them know that I had been listening to them hoping to get more information out of them about the fæke man of God.”
To be continued ✍️