My husband is not a pastor but a riitualiist – Episode 40
“The man in the blàck suit continued to guide us through the intricate details of our new life as Ne0phytes in ‘The Níght Õwls.’ He stressed that our requests, whether for p0wers, members, or wéàlth, would be granted gradually, at a natural pace. This deliberate pace was to avoid raising suspícion or dísbelief among others.”
“He explained that while our desires would manifest relatively quickly, it wouldn’t happen as swiftly as we might hope. Instead, every month would bring us closer to achieving our goals. After approximately eight months, we should have completed our milestone and reached our peak. This gradual progress would make our achievements appear natural and draw less attention or críticísm.”
“From that day forward, we would meet at the end of each month. During these meetings, we would receive specific incàñtat!ons that would activate and substantiate our individual requests. He emphasized the importance of following instructions and being patient throughout this process.”
“He wãrñed us about the dãñgers of impatience and dísobedience. “Some Ne0phytes had self-déstrúçtéd by trying to hasten their progress, which only led to négative c0nsequences. ‘Even we Myth0s have to exercise discipline and avoid overusing our p0wers, as no one is above the rules set by ‘The Exalted.’ Dísobeying these rules could result in sévere c0nsequences, including dééàth,’ he said.'”
“He clarified that some incànñtat!ons were meant to be recited once, twice, or thrice, depending on the situation. ‘While repeating an incantat!on more than instructed might yield more p0werful results, it also carried the risk of accumulating adverse effects that could eventually lead to dàmñàtíon,’ he said.'”
“He shared stories of Ne0phytes and Myth0s who had succumbed to their grééd, becoming either méñtàlly unstable or fàtà||y íll. ‘Those who were caught attempting to exp0se the organization as a result of grééd and negligence were swiftly elím!nated by ‘The Exalted’ to protect the séçrecy of the Níght Õwls,’ he added.'””
“Regarding tasks such as sléép!ng with a certain number of w0men or refraining from any affa!rs within a period of time, he stressed that we should strictly adhere to those instructions. Dísobeying any of them would result in c0nsequences. He also mentioned that when ordered to carry out a task or el!m!nate someone, we should not hesitate or feel píty.”
“He acknowledged that there was much more to learn and that he couldn’t cover everything that day. However, he assured us that more knowledge and guidance would be shared during our monthly meetings or, in some cases, sooner if necessary.”
“They provided us with a small pamphlet containing various incàñtat!ons and corresponding instructions. We were instructed to follow those instructions carefully, reciting the incantat!ons the specified number of times and at the precise time of day indicated. These r!tuals were essential for our progress.”
“Every month, we would receive a new pamphlet with fresh incàntat!ons and instructions. He cautioned us to keep the pamphlets as closely guarded sêcréts.”
“Revealing the contents to anyone could result in díre c0nsequences, even dééàth. The content within the pamphlets were immensely p0werful, and we were urged to protect them from our spouses, children, or relatives.”
“Finally, we were given cards with a specific number. This number was not to be called unless we found ourselves in a l!fe-thréà+ening situation. During our Ne0phyte phase, we shouldn’t seek trouble, but if someone posed a thréàt to us or made our líves dífficult, we could call that number, and act!on would be taken on our behalf.”
“As we absorbed these information, the weight of our new reality began to sink in. The path we had chosen was fraught with séçrecy, discipline, and c0nsequences. It was clear that there was no turning back now, and we had willingly entered a world where p0wer came at a great cost.”
“In the following months, I adhered to the instructions meticulously. Each month brought new challenges and opportunities for growth. The incàntat!ons and r!tuals became a part of my daily life, performed in the quiet of my home, hidden from prying eyes.”
“As Ne0phytes, we experienced subtle changes. Those who sought p0wer, including me, found ourselves developing unique abilities, while those who desired members saw their congregations slowly expand. Wéàlth-seekers began to notice unexpected fínanc!al gaíns.”
“Despite these changes, we remained cautious, as we knew the true tests were yet to come. We had been wãrñed about the períls of impatience, and we were determined not to fall víctím to our own desires.”
“During our monthly meetings, we would discuss our progress and share our experiences. It was during these gatherings that we began to forge bonds with our fellow Ne0phytes. We leaned on one another for support and guidance.”
“As time passed, we grew more confident in our newfound abilities. Our p0wers were still limited, but we could perform remarkable feats within our chosen domains. I had begun to heal the síck in my chúrçh during vigils and pràyer meetings.”
“Some leaders in the chúrch were beginning to notice me and I was given key positions and tasks to handle during combined services and chürch programs.”
“We all saw steady growth as Ne0phytes and brought back massive testímoníes.”
“Yet, with these successes came challenges. The more p0wer we gained, the greater our responsibilities became. We were reminded that with great p0wer came the duty to use it wisely.”
“The man in blàçk suit who addressed us the day we joined the Níght Õwls had mentioned that after two years as Ne0phytes, we would be eligible for promotion to Myth0s. This prospect filled us with a mix of excitement and trepídation. We had heard rúmors of the incredible abilities possessed by the Myth0s, but we also knew that their path had its own set of challenges and sacr!f!ces.”
“Our monthly meetings continued to be a source of guidance and insight. We were taught to recognize the signs and patterns that indicated when we were ready for the next level of p0wer. It wasn’t just about the r!tuals; it was about understanding the deeper connections between our desires and the world around us.”
“During one particularly enlightening session, we were taught the concept of balance. They explained that as we gained more p0wer, we needed to balance it with restraint and responsibility. They cited examples of past Myth0s who had mísused their abilities and paid the príce.”
“We were also reminded of the importance of séçrecy. The world outside had no knowledge of our existence, and it was crucial to keep it that way. Our r!tuals and meetings had to remain hidden, and our pamphlets and cards were to be safeguarded with our l!ves.”
“With each passing month, we delved deeper into the mysteríes of our newfound p0wers. Some of us discovered abilities we hadn’t even dreamt of, while others faced unforeseen challéñges and obstàçles. But through it all, we remained united in our commitment to the Níght Õwls and our pursuit of our desires.”
“As one year approached, we couldn’t help but wonder what lay ahead as Myth0s. We were Ne0phytes on the cusp of transformation. We had come so far from that fateful day when we had made our initial requests, and we were ready to embrace whatever lay ahead in our quest for p0wer, members, or wéàlth.”
To be continued ✍️